Love For Punk


In high school, not many people understand the scene or punk kids. From experience, people think your weird and different. Honestly, it is kind of true. But we are not much different. We still have likes and dislikes, family, and home. We just might not wear as colorful clothes or we will wear something bold and crazy. That is what I love about punk. We are a community. We love the same bands, clothing stores, styles, and colors. We see the world in the same light. Multiple times I will wear my My Chemical Romance, Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, or Paramore shirt and I will get compliments from people I have never talked to. I have also made so many friends just by talking about the same bands. We relate to each other because at first we feel alone but then we realize we are not. We will legitimately fangirl over anything we have in common.

Some great punk rock bands are The Ramones, Journey, Nirvana, Green Day, Blink-182, The Offspring, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Misfits, Jimmy Eat World, Simple Plan, All Time Low, and Panic! At the Disco. I know not many people listen to these bands. But if you are ever interested in new music, I strongly suggest them. Many of the songs are fast tempo-ed and make you want to sing at the top of your lungs and dance to the beat.They are so relatable, it is scary. The songs will say things that you always wanted to say, the lyrics will bring tears to your eyes. Music itself is just magical. I feel it in every song I have ever heard. Nirvana was the first band to change music history. Since then, it has flourished. So many bands were influenced and inspired by them.

Fall Out Boy is my favorite band. I found them a few years ago, but did not think much of them because I was so young. But now I am older, and I relate so much. I understand everything they say at such a higher level.  The first song I heard by them was “Sugar We’re Going Down”. “Young Volcanoes”, my favorite song by them, is off their newest album “Save Rock and Roll”. I honestly think that is their best album yet. Every song tells a story. They are so up beat and exciting. I guess that’s why I love them so much.

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