I Am the Echelon

IMG_3598Faith. It can have so many different forms and shapes. Mine is being able to chase your dreams and achieving them. With or without the important people in my life. I know it sounds harsh, but you can’t allow other people to stop you. I learned a lot of this from the band 30 Seconds To Mars I have talked about them before. This is because they have played a huge part of my life and completely opened my eyes about the world around me. Continue reading

An Escape

IMG_3343“Hard times come and good times go” – Fall Out Boy. When this happens a ton of stress is upon your shoulders, people yelling at you left and right. Work upon word is piling up and you just need to get out. When suddenly, you hear a soft beat, gradually getting louder and louder. Then guitar strings strum, piano plays in the background. You feel happy. The world is bright again. A smile is on your face. The time has slowed and you begin to calm down. This is when you’ve escaped. This is what music does. Continue reading

Overview Of 2014


Ahhh, out with the old and in with the new, as they always say. But 2014? Man, that was one crazy and eye opening year. So many people and experiences. I am not going to lie, this was probably one of my worst years ever, but that was for about half of it. By the end, my life got a lot better and sewed back together. But despite the first six months, I met so many new and amazing people. And I found the true me, plus went to a few great places I never thought I would visit. I also became very spiritually connected to music. It spoke to me and helped me when no human or animal could. Continue reading

The Band “Journey”

San Francisco’s rock band Journey first arose in 1973 and became most popular between 1977 to 1987 and 1995 to 1998. Since then, they have made millions of records. Their album Escape  reached number one on the Billboard 200. Many of their singles reached the top in both America and the United Kingdom. Some of their most well-known songs are “Don’t Stop Believing”, “Open Arms”, and “Faithfully”.  Their lead singer was Steve Perry. Though he quit band in 1994, they are still making music; they found a new singer who sounds very similar to Perry. Even kids now, who are thirteen or fourteen years old, know who they are. Continue reading

Love For Punk


In high school, not many people understand the scene or punk kids. From experience, people think your weird and different. Honestly, it is kind of true. But we are not much different. We still have likes and dislikes, family, and home. We just might not wear as colorful clothes or we will wear something bold and crazy. Continue reading